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  • Antony Reeve-Crook

Could event size count against exhibitor satisfaction and loyalty?

In the world of professional conference organisers, much is made of the importance of brand ambassadors in generating interest – and ultimately attendance – in an event.

But while in that world the ambassador is typically an eminent professor in the field in which the event takes place, our brand ambassadors are the paying customers; the exhibitors setting out their stalls on the show floor.

It stands to reason then that event directors can use them to great effect in building the reputation of, and noise surrounding, our exhibitions. A successful event can turn a marketing team of three into a team of three hundred, carrying that success into future editions.

But to do this we must first ascertain what they specifically think about our events.

One of the most interesting elements of UFI and Explori’s Global Exhibitor Insights study, supported by SISO, was the concept of hostages and apostles. The relationship between exhibitor satisfaction and loyalty is key to predicting the future growth of a show and its resistance to disruption.

To read the full article on the UFI Live website, click here:

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