Among the presentations at the upcoming UFI European Conference at the NEC in Birmingham, Thursday afternoon’s talk ‘Glocalisation 2: Russia – China – One Belt One Road (OBOR)’ is likely to raise eyebrows for some seeking to make in-roads in central Eurasia.
The May event looks at ways and measures to benefit from the shifting trade patterns emerging as new alliances are being forged, which makes the debate between Eugen Alles, managing director of Messe Frankfurt GmbH subsidiary in Russia, and Vasily Grudev, chairman of the organising committee behind the Belt and Road Initiative (Russia) particularly interesting.
So what can we learn from the China-Russian relations in context of the OBOR, and how can international organisers benefit from Russia’s participation in an initiative that involves more than US$900bn in infrastructure projects worldwide.
Read the full article on the UFI Blog website here